Akanksha hospital , Nipani


What are the benefits of breast milk for the baby

It has all the nutrients that a baby needs

Is the nutrition provided by breast milk sufficient?

Breast milk is the ideal and most complete food for the baby because it contains all of the nutritive elements essential for its growth. It is an important source of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals – all in the right proportion.

How does breast milk protect the baby

Breast milk strengthens the child’s immunity because it contains antibodies, special white cells and other anti-infective factors. The protection is greatest when the baby is only fed breast milk in the first 4-6 months of life. Cow (or buffalo) milk and formula milk do not contain these antibodies that are so important to the baby.

Is a breastfed baby less likely to fall sick

Yes, absolutely. Breast milk helps to protect the baby against diarrhea, coughs and colds, and common illnesses. A non-breasted baby is 15 times more likely to get diarrhea and 3 times more likely to get respiratory infection. Allergies are more common in babies given animal milk (including powder milk) in the first months of life. If your baby is sick, breast milk is ideal because it is nutritious and can be easily digested.

Does breast milk cause fewer stomach upsets and prevent constipation

Yes. Even the baby's delicate digestive system digests breast milk easily. This means less stomach upsets less wind and less vomiting after feeds. The baby’s stools are also soft and less smelly. In addition, the baby rarely (or never) suffers from constipation. Even if the baby does not have a bowel movement for a few days, when he eventually does, his stools will always be soft (though he may still show signs of straining).

Benefits of Breastfeeding for the Mother

What are the benefits of Breastfeeding for the mother?

Will my breasts sag with Breastfeeding?

The mother’s breasts usually do increase in size by as much as 2-5 inches during pregnancy and remain enlarged for a few months after delivery until the mother continues to nurse her baby. Since there are no muscles in the breast, only ligaments, your breasts will sag from the increased weight unless well supported by a good-fitting bra. These ligaments, once stretched, never return to their original size. Therefore, breasts sag not because of Breastfeeding but because of poor support. A bra with good all-round support worn at all times during pregnancy and nursing (even at night) will ensure that your breasts do not sag.

I am worried about losing my figure after childbirth

There is good news for you. Breastfeeding helps you regain your original figure faster. Your uterus would have also expanded in size during pregnancy. Soon after delivery, however, it begins to contract to get back to its original size. You will regain your original figure faster because of the following reasons:

Many Breastfeeding mothers (who have gained a normal weight of 12 kgs) have happy stories to recount that they came back to their pre-pregnancy weight within 6 months of delivery without doing even a bit of exercise. (But remember exercise may not be necessary to lose weight but it is essential to reduce the flabbiness caused from pregnancy).